大会名称(英語) PQJ2022 (Physiology Quiz in Japan 2022)
大会名称(日本語) 医学生理学クイズ日本大会2022
日時 2022年3月6日(日)
開催校 国際医療福祉大学
開催代表 卜部真輝(国際医療福祉大学医学部)
開催方式 オンライン開催
開催言語 英語
参加資格 全世界の大学生(医歯薬系学部に限りません)
後援 日本生理学会
井上 鐘哲(PQJ事務局 事務局長)
We hereby announce that the next PQJ date is set at March 6, 2022. The host university is International University of Health and Welfare.
In PQJ2020, we welcomed 50 teams from 12 countries in the world and held one of the biggest online medical quiz events in the history. In PQJ2022, we will continue to hold the bigger, more entertaining and more educational events.
All the college students in the world, please be prepared and look forward to PQJ2022!
Event Name: PQJ2022 (Physiology Quiz in Japan 2022)
Date: March 6, 2022
Host: International University of Health and Welfare(Narita, Japan)
President: Masaki Urabe
Event Style: Online
Language: English
Participants: College Students in all the world
Sponsor: Physiological Society of Japan
PQJ Secretary-general Kaneaki Inoue